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Message from the Director of Dongguk University Gyeongju Hospital
Greetings!I would like to sincerely welcome all the visitors to the website for Dongguk University Gyeongju Hospital.
my name is Jae-cheol Shim and I am the director of Dongguk University Gyeongju Hospital.
At Dongguk University Gyeongju Hospital, we do our best to improve national health and implement state-of-the-art medicine of the 21st century. We are inspired by a sense of love towards people and wish to become a truly patient-centered hospital. Our motto is 'love from the beginning until the end.'
The hospital has established a system that not only supports local residents but also provides medical services to those who have gained recognition for their contributions to the nation. In addition, the hospital is expected to open in May 2013 after signing the ¡®Project Agreement for International Western.Oriental Medical Tourism and Healing Center Establishment¡¯ with Gyeongju city, Gyeongsangbuk-do.
This will allow us to do our best in positioning ourselves as a global healing Mecca where the mind and the body of visitors from overseas and within Korea are healed through Western.Oriental integrated functional medicine as well as tapping into the great potential of Gyeongju, in terms of its global cultural heritage and long-standing history and tradition.
In the future, in order to reciprocate the love, attention and encouragement we have received, our staff will strive to do their best to make the hospital one that gives back to the community and becomes a top-notch medical institution that is highly competitive and trustworthy while faithfully fulfilling the role of taking care of those in need of medical attention as a patient-centered public medical institution.
Thank you.
Message from the Director of Dongguk University Gyeongju Hospital for Oriental Medicine Clinic
Dongguk University Gyoungju Medicine Clinic was founded based on the compassionate teachings of the Buddha. With the wisdom of traditional Oriental medicine and the state-of-the-art modern medicine, our hospital provides excellent medical care which is evolving every day.In July 2009, Donguibogam, a culmination of all knowledge in Oriental medicine, was listed as a World Cultural Heritage item and this was another opportunity to make Oriental medicine known to the world. The hospital will strive to achieve the final goal of finding cures for incurable diseases in addition to making scientific diagnoses through the combination of Western and Oriental medicine, objectification of treatment through clinical research and continuous clinical reflection with the integrated research center and the specialization of treatment areas such as pediatrics, women's health, rehabilitation, paralysis, etc.
Traditional Oriental thinking contains various maxims. These maxims urge self control and the adherence to principles. The maxim pertaining to medicine urges the practitioner of medicine to be humble and self-disciplined in order to look after the sick.
Dongguk University Gyoungju Medicine Clinic promises to stay close to those who need us while providing a patient-oriented medic
Thank you.